Guides And Tips

What are Control Cables Used for?

2 minute read

Control cables are integral to process automation in industrial applications, namely for machine tools and assembly lines. They are used to regulate and measure transmissions within automated processes, in industries such as building, construction, and railway transportation. In recent years, control cables have also been introduced to the domestic market as home automation has gained popularity in recent years.

In this handy guide, we’ll explain the different ways control cables can be used.

Industrial Control Applications

Control cables work by sending information down the wire from one hub or machine to another, causing an action to take place. For example, a sensor picks up on a change in the environment, which automatically sends the electrical information down the control cable to the connected machinery, thereby causing it to take action.

They’re often used for robotic or automatic machinery, so that whatever process the machinery is involved in can be as streamlined and automated as possible.

Examples of industrial applications include:

  • Assembly lines
  • Robotics
  • Power distribution

Home Automation

Since the widespread population of home automation, control cables have found their place in the domestic market, too. Home automation networks work by combining integrated systems that provide services such as lighting, heating, security, or entertainment, via a central control unit. These central control units could be either a remote control, a fixed panel, or more recently a smartphone or tablet.

Home automation systems can also work using sensors, too. An example of this is a sensor detecting a drop in temperature, automatically sending the electronic information down the control the cable, causing the heating system to increase the temperature.

While general control cables can be used for home automation, there are also cables designed specifically for home automation applications.

If you’re looking to build a home automation system using control cables, you can click here to view our handy guide on building home automation systems.

If you have any further questions about control cables that haven’t been answered in this article, please click here to speak to a member of our team of experts.

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