Stuart T - Securi-Flex

Stuart T
Founder & Director
Experience: After 24+ years at the helm of Securi-Flex®, I have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience in both the electrical and security industries. I have also picked up a thing or two about cabling which, given this is our core product, is no bad thing! Throughout this period, I have listened, learnt, (sometimes the hard way) but picked up valuable skills along the way which I have always passed down to our valuable team members making Securi-Flex® the great company it is today.
What's the best part of your workday?: Working closely with our team to drive strategy and grow the Securi-Flex® brand. It’s always nice to see the success of these strategies paying off in our both our sales and also for our loyal customer base.
What do you enjoy most about our industry?: I feel our industry is one big family, as genuinely most people give you their time, even if they already have supplier relationships in place.
Describe yourself in 3 words: That’s very difficult!
Favourite quote: "Seeing is Believing" (Del Trotter), or if we must be professional then it is probably “you can’t sell fresh air”. This has always been behind one of Securi-Flex®’s key USP’s regarding large stock holdings.
Tea or coffee? Milk in first or last?: Tea & definitely milk in last!
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?: Invisibility
If you could visit any place, what would it be?: Peckham