Grant D - Securi-Flex

Grant D
Managing Director
Experience: Over 15 years in the distribution and manufacturing sector, serving the B2B wholesale and merchant markets. A specialist in the building materials industry, with a proven skillset in both commercial and operational roles, across a variety of sectors and industries.
What’s the best part of your workday?: Witnessing our talented, dedicated and hardworking team delivering the best customer service experience to our clients, day in and day out.
What do you enjoy most about our industry?: Knowing that in a small way, we are part of the distribution and supply chain, that’s powering, connecting, and supporting the nations electrical requirements.
Describe yourself in 3 words: Strategic. Motivated. Innovative
Favourite quote: “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” –Albert Einstein
Tea or coffee? Milk in first or last?: Coffee. Milk in first, every time!
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?: Time Travel – call me Dr. Strange!
If you could visit any fictional place, what would it be?: The Matrix – red pill please!