Amy B - Securi-Flex

Amy B
Account Manager
PLEASE NOTE AMY IS CURRENLY ON MATERNITY LEAVE: Congratulations to Amy on the safe birth of her baby boy! We hope Amy has a fantastic time adjusting to motherhood with her new family member, and we can't wait to welcome her back and meet the new arrival!
Experience: Over a year working to serve the wholesale and merchant market and 5 months within the cable industry learning new things every day! 10 years working within customer service and customer-based roles.
What’s the best part of your workday?: Sitting down with my cup of tea and starting my day off well!
What do you enjoy most about our industry?: The people – my colleagues and customers are funny and understanding and they make me enjoy my job each day!
Describe yourself in 3 words: Loud, funny and outspoken.
Favourite quote: “Rule your mind, or it will rule you.” - Buddha
Tea or coffee? Milk in first or last?: Tea – milk in last obviously!
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?: To fly – I’d fly to all the countries I want to see - I’d also fly to places that were warmest as I am always cold!
If you could visit any fictional place, what would it be?: Guardians of the Galaxy space ship – just because they are all hilarious.